PROJECTS - current & past...
1917 Steinway V
Piano sat in water and required a complete restoration including case
( 27 pics ) Rebuilt 2018
1925 Vose
and Sons
A family heirloom that
will enjoy a complete
rebuilding or tonal
and mechanical
2019 Restoration...
1884 Sohmer
Rebuilding a uniquely shaped
grand piano, replete with SB cracks, loose tuning pins and
rocker capstans.
( 30 pics ) Rebuilt 2017
1931 Wurlitzer
"iron pinblock"
Unique cast iron pin-
block, split & wedged
tuning pins.
Piano was refinished,
restrung, new action,
new keytops, SB repair
( 35 pics ) Rebuilt 2018
1947 Rippen
"A most unique upright, styled as a grand piano on its side."
Here are some snapshots of rebuilding which includes: new strings, filing hammers,
polishing parts, regulating action components. Note this piano is straight-strung and
enjoys a full set of agraffes (for added challenge to re-stringing).
Rebuilt in 2012